Certification training is available.
The Fidelity in Practice-Mentor Coach (FIP-MC) is a practice checklist along with guidance for determining the presence or absence of the practice indicators. The FIP-MC assesses the use of a capacity-building coaching interaction style while coaching a practitioner towards fidelity. The FIP-MC is part of the Fidelity Coach Toolkit and is used by coaches and leaders who have completed the Early Intervention Fidelity Coach Certification Institute.

The FIP-MC Manual contains resources to help administrators and Fidelity Coaches implement the observation checklist in an evidence-based manner. The FIP-EI Manual includes instructions for facilitating a pre-observation joint planning conference, helpful hints for using the FIP-MC during a live or video recorded observation, support for facilitating post-observation reflections with space to document a continuous improvement plan, and assistance with determining the presence or absence of each checklist indicator.

The FIP-MC Checklists include clearly written indicators that describe the characteristics of practices associated through research.. The checklists are intended to aid Master Coaches and Fidelity Coaches in understanding and operationalizing the indicators of individualized, capacity building, professional development.
To request individual or group certification training on the use of the FIP-MC, contact Sarah Sexton at the Family, Infant and Preschool Program by email at [email protected] or call (828) 608-6707.