CASE investigators and staff produce a number of products and materials that describe different aspects of CASE activities. These materials advance the understanding of evidence-based practices, methods and procedures for promoting adoption of practices informed by research.
CASEinPoint are web-based journal articles. They include descriptions of the conceptual and theoretical models, and frameworks that guide the conduct of CASE studies, descriptions of CASE projects and major CASE activities and initiatives, and findings from CASE investigations, studies, and evaluations.
CASEmakers include bibliographies of selected references related to the evidence-based intervention and utilization practices used by CASE investigators. They include references to key sources of information constituting the focus of activity and investigation in the various CASE laboratories.
CASEtools include descriptions of instruments, scales, and procedures for promoting an understanding of the characteristics of evidence-based practices and methods and procedures for promoting adoption of these practices.
BriefCASE are concise how-to guides designed to assist practitioners in operationalizing the characteristics of evidence-based practices. These documents are a result of practical application of early childhood and family support practices used as part of CASE investigations, studies, and activities.
CASEcollections are groupings of web-based journal articles, tools, how-to guides, and bibliographies on a specific topic or theme related to early childhood and family-centered practices.