The Newborn Interest, Activity and Assessment PlanĀ is an implementation tool designed to assist early childhood intervention practitioners operationalize natural learning environment practices using a coaching interaction style with caregivers of newborns. The NIAAP includes a manual featuring Roadmaps for Reflection as conversation guides and a set of worksheets on which to document child interests, key activities and routines, and caregiver responsive strategies.

The Newborn Observe & Respond Strategies booklet aligns with the NIAPP manual and worksheets (planning forms and responsive teaching record) and can be used as a handout for caregivers to refer to. Families can track responsive strategies they use to invite, Engage, and Teach their child. It should be printed on legal -size paper and folded like a booklet.
To request individual or group certification training on the use of the NIAAP, contact Sarah Sexton at the Family, Infant and Preschool Program by email at [email protected] or call (828) 608-6707.