Newborn Interest, Activity and Assessment Plan (NIAAP)

The Newborn Interest, Activity and Assessment PlanĀ is an implementation tool designed to assist early childhood intervention practitioners operationalize natural learning environment practices using a coaching interaction style with caregivers of newborns. The NIAAP includes a manual featuring Roadmaps for Reflection as conversation guides and a set of worksheets on which to document child interests, key activities and routines, and caregiver responsive strategies.

Clickable image. Manual cover titled "Newborn Interest, Activity & Assessment Plan"

The NIAAP Manual contains instructions, information about natural learning environment practices (NLEP) and a coaching interaction style, a quick start guide and a series of Roadmaps for Reflection-conversation flow charts illustrating the flow of visit using NLEP and coaching. 

Clickable image. A form titled "Read & Respond Observations"

The NIAAP Worksheets contain organized space for practitioners to document child interests, newborn cues, newborn and family routines, and caregiver responsive strategies.

Clickable image. Cover page for Newborn Observe & Respond Strategies.

The Newborn Observe & Respond Strategies booklet aligns with the NIAPP manual and worksheets (planning forms and responsive teaching record) and can be used as a handout for caregivers to refer to.  Families can track responsive strategies they use to invite, Engage, and Teach their child.  It should be printed on legal -size paper and folded like a booklet.

To request individual or group certification training on the use of the NIAAP, contact Sarah Sexton at the Family, Infant and Preschool Program by email at [email protected] or call (828) 608-6707.