Certification training is available.
The Fidelity-in-Practice–Primary Service Provider (FIP-PSP) is a resource for early childhood intervention (ECI) administrators, supervisors, and consultants. The FIP-PSP contains a set of checklists for evaluating teaming practices unique to the primary service provider approach to teaming.

The FIP-PSP Manual contains resources to help administrators implement the observation checklists in an evidence-based manner. The Manual includes guidance for how to use the checklists, instructions for implementing, procedures for gathering necessary information through and interview, and guidance for determining the presence or absence of each checklist indicator.

The FIP-PSP Checklists include clearly written indicators that describe the characteristics of practices associated with operationalizing a primary service provider approach to teaming. The checklists include indicators for establishing PSP teams, team operations, team meetings, and joint visits. The checklists are intended to aid teams in assessing fidelity to the research-based implementation conditions for a primary service provider approach to teaming in early childhood intervention.
To request individual or group certification training on the use of the FIP-PSP, contact Sarah Sexton at the Family, Infant and Preschool Program by email [email protected] or call (828) 608-6707.